Noy to SAF men: Be faithful in serving public

MANILA, Philippines - President Aquino joined the members of the 2012 Special Action Force Anniversary Challenge at Westnuk resort at the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant complex in Morong, Bataan on Saturday and called on them not just to continue honing their skills but also be faithful in serving the public.

Aquino attended the closing ce-remonies of the SAF Challenge and led the presentation of awards to the winners.

In his speech, the President said the event was an effort to improve the skills of the police and the military as well as to develop camaraderie among the members of the armed services.

The police and military continuously work to improve its capability even in peacetime having in mind that the people’s lives and safety depend on their work, the President said.

In the last three decades, the leadership of the armed services was able to strengthen camaraderie among soldiers and policemen especially those in the special units, he said.

“The whole nation salutes you in your triumphs that stemmed from your discipline, industriousness and professionalism. Thank you so much for your unwavering dedication to fight terrorism, save our people in times of calamities and run after bad elements in society,” the President said in his message.

As the finest members of the police and military service, the President said the people would expect them to remain loyal to their mandate to serve the public and defend the Constitution.

Their special skills in combat and endurance should also mean readiness and capability to respond to the people’s call, Aquino said, adding they should also shun corruption and ill deeds.

“Let us remain on the side of justice, reason and accountability. This is the side that brings about change not only for the few but also for the majority of the society. The principles that this competition symbolizes are lived by this government in promoting good governance,” Aquino said.

Amid the growing confidence for the country’s economy, the President said his administration is continuing to exert effort to improve the lives of Filipinos. He also vowed to continue pursuing reforms in government.

“Please join me in invigorating cooperation for the straight path: the road that made changes in the Philippines possible. And we will pass this on to younger Filipinos with head held up high,” Aquino said.

The SAF competition was conceptualized by then SAF director Leocadio Santiago to develop individual and team skills of the participants and foster greater camaraderie among other units of the police and the military.

The SAF Challenge, previously being done every three months among different SAF teams, eventually became an annual event. It is now called the SAF Anniversary Challenge. The police unit will celebrate its anniversary on May 16. 

Joining the President during the event were Philippine National Police chief Director General Nicanor Bartolome, SAF chief Police Director Catalino Cuy, Armed Forces’ Northern Luzon Command chief Lt. Gen. Anthony Alcantara, and Region 3 police director Superintendent Edgardo Ladao.

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