Panlilio ruling known soon

MANILA, Philippines - Re-electionist Pampanga Gov. Eddie Panlilio yesterday sought the inhibition of three poll commissioners in the hearing of an electoral case filed against him by rival Lilia Pineda.

In a 15-page motion, Panlilio asked for Commissioners Nicodemus Ferrer, Lucenito Tagle and Elias Yusoph to inhibit themselves from hearing his case for “delicadeza.”

Panlilio filed the motion with the Comelec second division, which is expected to come out with a ruling on the case anytime next week.

“We are on the finishing touches of the resolution already,” Ferrer said as he questioned why Panlilio sought the inhibition of all members of the Comelec panel when they are already coming out with a ruling.

Ferrer belied allegations that the Comelec has been biased in hearing Panlilio’s case and insisted that Malacañang never tried to influence the poll body’s decision.

“We have a clear conscience, we have been conducting the proceedings transparently and we will decide the case based on merits,” Ferrer said in reaction to Panlilio’s motion.

Pineda, a close ally of the Arroyo administration, previously asked the Comelec for a recount of the votes, claiming that she won against Panlilio in the last gubernatorial elections.

But Panlilio’s lawyer, Ernesto Francisco Jr., said there is a public perception that the second division has not been fair in hearing the case against Panlilio thus the need for its entire members to inhibit themselves from hearing the case.

Panlilio said he has long been convinced that he will never get a fair ruling from the Comelec’s second division. He then expressed confidence that he will win in his re-election bid and prove that people of Pampanga want him, not Pineda, to become their governor. – Mayen Jaymalin

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