Off duty cop shoots alleged hired killer

Laoag City, Ilocos Norte , Philippines   – An off duty rookie cop in Ilocos Norte did not know he’ll become a “hero” in the fight of the police against hired guns in the province overnight.

Police Officer 1 Ronald Daguro will be recommended to receive honors and commendation, said Ilocos Norte Police director Senior Superintendent Benjamin Lusad, for stamping down on a hired killer in the province even while on off duty.

For long, the province have been wrought with problems of shootings perpetrated by hired killers. 

Though heightened police efforts have dramatically lowered down the crime rate into half from January to July this year, Lusad said, shootings continue.

“But we continue on fighting,” Lusad narrated as he beamed proud of Daguro who gunned down Ponciano Daguimol from Pinili town, also in Ilocos Norte who had just wounded his victim in Marcos town recently.   – Artemio Dumlao

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