Wayward truck kills 3 college coeds

Cavite , Philippines – Three college coeds were killed while two of their schoolmates were seriously injured when a wayward delivery truck hit them along the Aguinaldo Highway in Silang town this province yesterday morning, police said.

Superintendent Danilo Buentipo, Silang police chief, identified the fatalities as Mary Joy Erce, Ruby Ann Payaban and Donalyn Garcia, all students of the Rogationist College.

In critical condition at the Ospital ng Tagaytay were Aicel Joyce Gutierrez and Gemma Payad.

Police said an Isuzu Elf truck loaded with soft drinks and driven by Virgilsito Cajes was descending the Aguinaldo Highway in Barangay Lalaan 2 when its brakes malfunctioned, hitting the victims who were walking on the sidewalk.

Erce, Payaban and Garcia died on the spot due to severe head and body injuries.

Police said Cajes, now detained at the Silang police station, faces charges of reckless imprudence resulting in multiple homicide and serious physical injuries.

In Ilagan, Isabela, two students were killed when their motorcycle slammed into a truck parked near a bend on the national highway Wednesday morning.

Superintendent Alexander Santos, Ilagan police chief, said the victims, Jeric Dazo, 19, and Jerry Paguios, 20, both died on the spot.  – With Ed Amoroso and Charlie Lagasca

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