Cops fired at while uprooting marijuana plants

CAMP FLORENDO, La Union – Two Philippine Air Force helicopter gunships flew to the hinterlands of Alilem, Ilocos Sur yesterday to assist policemen who were fired at while they were uprooting some P90 million worth of marijuana plants.

Elements of the Regional Mobile Group 1 led by Senior Inspector Christopher Rebujio suspect that their attackers were protectors of the five-hectare marijuana plantation at the boundary of Alilem town and Cayapa, Benguet.

Rebujio sent text messages Tuesday afternoon informing the regional command here about the incident and requested for an augmentation force.

He said they fought back, forcing the gunmen to flee to a forested area.

Chief Superintendent Leopoldo Bataoil, Ilocos regional police director, led the reinforcement force that scoured the mountains at the Alilem-Cayapa boundary on board the PAF helicopters yesterday.

Bataoil said no one was injured among the RMG men, who were still pursuing their attackers.

Bataoil said at least 310 kilos of fully grown marijuana have been uprooted, some of them immediately burned.

“This is in line with our relentless drive to eradicate marijuana and all kinds of illegal drugs in the region. I commend the RMG personnel for their effort and in risking their lives just to eliminate this illegal plant,” he said.

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