Countries in 6-party North Korean nuclear talks meet with Arroyo

MANILA (AP) - Countries involved in six-party talks over North Korea's nuclear program met briefly Tuesday on the sidelines of an annual Asian security summit.

The discussions, prior to a dinner for foreign ministers from the ASEAN Regional Forum, were hosted by President Gloria Arroyo, who sat in on the discussions at the presidential palace. They were expected to focus on how to advance a February accord on ending North Korea's nuclear weapons program.

The latest round of the six-party talks -- involving the two Koreas, the United States, China, Japan and Russia -- was held earlier this month in Beijing. No meetings had been scheduled here, and U.S. nuclear negotiator Christopher Hill wasn't arriving until after the dinner. With U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice absent, Washington is being represented by her deputy, John Negroponte.

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