Bohol, China ink alliance

TAGBILARAN CITY – Bohol yesterday formally forged a friendly deal with Xiangji province of the People’s Republic of China. The Memorandum of Friendly Exchange and Cooperation between the two provinces was formally signed at Metro Centre Hotel, this city, witnessed by officials.

Signing the memorandum were Gov. Erico Aumentado and party secretary of Xiangji People’s Congress Meng Jiang Zhu. Moreover, the chairman of the Liwayway (China) Co. Ltd., Carlos Chan has donated P1 million as seed money for the Bohol Development Program and Projects specifically for Bohol Diagnostic Center.

Aumentado in his message cited the many advantages the sisterhood ties would bring to the province, both economically and socially, and most specifically in the agriculture sector. "We are actually reaping the benefits of our sisterhood especially that China is our source of hybrid corn and rice seeds that we distributed to the farmers," Aumentado said.

Meng Juang Zhu, for his part, expressed deep admiration on Boholano hospitality and friendship. He hoped of positive results the friendly exchange would bring to the two provinces in the spirit of mutual benefits. Peter Dejaresco

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