Marawi City tears down streamers

Marawi City is the "City of Streamers" no more.

This city, dubbed as "the City of Streamers" because of excessive streamers hanging anywhere and everywhere is now on its way to cast aside that moniker as city officials yesterday started removing the eye sore.

City Mayor Omar Ali said all streamers and billboards must be removed as an initial step the city.

Residents here have used for decades, streamers to convey congratulations, to welcome top officials visiting the city, to announce promotions or appointments such as to government posts or any activity, passing the board or bar examination of any relative or acquaintance, the crowning of this or that Sultan or Bai (princess), to announce the departure and arrival of relatives who have gone to pilgrimage in Mecca, or all kinds of announcements.

"This practice has become a problem because streamers, even if they are not needed anymore, stay hung until they rot or are covered by soot emitted from smoke-belching vehicles making them eye sores, says Mayor Ali.

"But it is an effective medium to use for announcements" says Rex Dumarpa, former city hall information officer.

Ali has vowed to regain the image of this once beautiful city as he embarks on the gargantuan job of cleaning this supposed "summer capital" of the South. Lino de la Cruz

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