Wing, tire of WWII aircraft retrieved

GUINTAS, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo — Fishermen retrieved a wing and a tire of a World War II aircraft in the waters between Guimaras and Iloilo, where Japanese and American forces engaged in heavy dogfights during the last war.

Local folk believe the parts belonged to an American plane which crashed following bombing raids on Japanese forces on Negros Island.

The recovered wing measures 16-by-8 feet and is made of aluminum. The tire, attached to the wing, has a diameter of 56 inches and bears the serial number X13687 US-AN. It also bears the seal of its manufacturer, Goodrich-Silvertown, a company founded in 1870.

The plane parts were retrieved about a month after a former World War II pilot, Lt. Albert Franz, 80, made a sentimental journey to Guimaras to meet natives who helped him and his mate when their plane crashed and hopefully, salvage the wreckage of "Bug Eyes," their Douglas A-20 bomber aircraft.

Franz kept a diary of his days in Guimaras, narrating how Filipino guerrillas and villagers helped him and his mate after their plane crashed off Guimaras on Jan. 9, 1945.

Franz and his mate, assigned to the 42nd 312 Roarin A-20 Bomb Group based in Leyte, had two tons of live bombs and six caliber 50 machineguns aboard their aircraft. They were tasked to bomb and strafe Japanese forces on Negros Island.

During the strafing run, their plane’s left engine was hit, but they managed to continue their mission. But the other engine was also subsequently hit, and the plane crashed into the Guimaras Strait, reportedly off the village of Libis in Buenavista town.

Luckily, Franz and his mate managed to get out through the escape hatch, and with an inflated life raft, reached the shore safely.

Residents claimed the recovered plane parts were found in the site where Franz’s "Bug Eyes" took a dive.

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