It’s do or die, Abus say

ZAMBOANGA CITY — Abu Sayyaf leaders who led the raid at the Sipadan Dive Resort in Malaysia and seized 21 mostly European and Malaysian tourists will not surrender as they prepared to make a last stand against the military, sources in Sulu said yesterday.

The informants disclosed that the bandits, numbering 400, led by Ghalib Andang alias Commander Robot, and Mujib Susukan, have been preparing themselves for sabil (suicide attack) once cornered by government troops.

Sabil, locally known as huramentado, was resorted to by Muslim to ward off the Spaniards, Americans and Japanese who once occupied the province.

Intelligence reports disclosed that military troops are closing in and have cordoned off the hideout of the extremists, forcing some of their members to surrender to the authorities.

But the informants revealed that Andang and Susukan have been massing their strength and have equipped themselves with high-powered firearms, light artillery and grenade launchers somewhere in Talipao, a known haven of the Abu Sayyaf, where they held foreign hostages for more than five months.

"They will not surrender because they are preparing for sabil because they realized they cannot slip out of the military cordon," the source said.

A soldier, who is now on rest and recreation following the recent rescue of three Malaysian hostages, revealed that the Abu Sayyaf are holding out in the densely forested jungles of Sulu.

The source disclosed that the groups of Andang and Susukan are still intact, with some of Robot’s men secretly coming out to acquire supplies from their families and sympathizers in preparation for the clash.

"The preparation is part of their last stand," the source said. The military rescued three Malaysians Wednesday in Marsada, near Mt. Mahala in Talipao where Susukan was reportedly sighted.

Military officials reported that they are positive Andang and Susukan are still in the area with their followers.

Maj. Gen. Narciso Abaya said the offensive will continue to flush out the Abu Sayyaf and eventually recover the two remaining hostages - Filipino Roland Ullah and American Jeffrey Craig Edwards Schilling, 24, a native of Oakland, California.

Except for Ullah, the last Sipadan captive, whose whereabouts remain uncertain, the military disclosed that Schilling was spotted in the general area of Luuk Panamao town with his captors.

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