Robin surrenders four rifles to PNP

Actor and gun collector Robin Padilla, accompanied by his lawyer, Rudolf Philip Jurado, turns over his rifles to the Philippine National Police at Camp Crame yesterday. MICHAEL VARCAS

MANILA, Philippines - Action star Robin Padilla yesterday surrendered four rifles with expired licenses to the Philippine National Police (PNP) for safekeeping.

Talking to reporters, Padilla said he decided to deposit his firearms – two Colt 5.56 caliber rifles, a Winchester .30 caliber rifle and an M1 Garand 7.62mm rifle – on the advice of his lawyer, Rudolf Philip Jurado.

He said Jurado told him the new gun law, Republic Act 10951, the Comprehensive Law on Firearms and Ammunition, affects him.

Padilla surrendered the rifles, which he collected from the movies he made, “to show I follow the law, that I am no threat. I am just an actor and I have no bad intentions.”

He said he was traumatized by the time he served in prison for illegal possession of firearms.

Padilla noted that under the new law, gun collectors are allowed.

Jurado said the guns’ licenses expired last year but are covered by the PNP’s one-year extension, set to lapse next month. He said Padilla decided to deposit the rifles with the PNP while he applies for a license to possess and own firearms (LTOPF).

He added that there is a possibility the actor may not be given an LTOPF as he was convicted for illegal possession of firearms in 1995.

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