Manhunt still on for alleged Pastor slay mastermind

MANILA, Philippines - The manhunt operation against Domingo “Sandy” de Guzman III – tagged as the mastermind in the killing of international racer Enzo Pastor – will continue despite an omnibus motion he filed to lift a warrant for his arrest, an official said yesterday. 

Chief Inspector Rodel Marcelo, Quezon City Police District (QCPD) Criminal Investigation and Detection Unit (CIDU) head, said De Guzman’s motion will not affect the manhunt.

He clarified that the QCPD will only stop the manhunt if there is a court order asking it to do so.

Last week, lawyer Dennis Manalo, who represents De Guzman, filed an urgent omnibus motion asking the court to reconsider the Aug. 5 ruling that ordered De Guzman’s arrest. 

He also asked the court to dismiss the murder case against his client for lack of merit and probable cause. 

The QCPD formed a tracker team a few hours after the court ordered De Guzman’s arrest.

Marcelo said the National Bureau of Investigation and the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group are also hunting down De Guzman. 

Senior Inspector Elmer Monsalve, chief of the CIDU’s homicide section, said De Guzman was no longer at his home and workplace in Metro Manila when they served the warrant.

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