DepEd bans collection for Christmas parties

MANILA, Philippines - The Department of Education (DepEd) has reminded public school officials that collection of fees for school activities such as Christmas parties is strictly prohibited.

“The payment of contributions for school programs shall not be made a requirement for the students,” DepEd Secretary Armin Luistro said in a statement.

Luistro said non-payment of voluntary school contributions should not be a basis for non-admission, non-promotion or non-issuance of clearance to a student.

He said Parents-Teachers Associations (PTAs) are authorized to collect financial contributions from members to implement programs but this should be voluntary and approved in a general assembly.

Luistro urged PTAs to minimize the amount of contributions for extra-curricular activities in consideration of the expenses that parents incur in sending their children to school.

He asked school officials to keep Christmas parties simple yet meaningful.                       


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