American filmmaker: Take MRT for experience

MANILA, Philippines - Describing it as “hot, crowded, and uncomfortable,” a Los Angeles-based filmmaker and artist has advised his viewers to take the Metro Rail Transit (MRT) just for the experience.

“If you’re visiting Manila, maybe ride it once for experience. The rest of the time, just take a taxi,” Travis Kraft said in his two-minute YouTube video, which has started going around social media sites.

The video provides a glimpse of a foreigner’s perspective on the country’s mass transit system, which in recent months has been hounded by technical glitches and other problems.

In his video, Kraft – who describes himself on Twitter as an expert on Philippine tourism – noted the long lines prior to entering the MRT station, as well as the big crowd and extremely warm temperature inside the trains.

The American also experienced one of the MRT’s frequent service interruptions when the train he was on stopped for 10 minutes after a man allegedly jumped on the tracks.

Kraft also warned against perverts and pickpockets.

Aside from being a filmmaker, the American describes himself as an athlete, model, writer, director, artist, public speaker and amateur wrestling champion.

His YouTube page features other videos, including his experience during the onslaught of Typhoon Glenda in July and trying out “cheap” products in a popular electronics store.



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