American holds hotel employee hostage

MANILA, Philippines - A retired United States Navy man held an employee of a small hotel in Quezon City hostage for more than three hours yesterday afternoon before surrendering to the police.

Robert Mark Stasaitis was reportedly drunk when he barged into the Paradise Apartelle just before 2 p.m. and demanded to speak with his ex-girlfriend, a Filipina, who recently broke up with him.

He allegedly threatened to kill himself but later decided to hold cashier Alma Cordero hostage at knifepoint.

The hotel’s owner, Marivic Lim, was among those who talked to Stasaitis and convinced him to surrender.

The American gave himself up at around 5 p.m., Quezon City Police District (QCPD) director Senior Superintendent Richard Albano said.

Stasaitis was brought to QCPD Station 10 in Kamuning after his arrest.

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