Rob suspect preying on tourists falls

MANILA, Philippines - A man suspected of robbing tourists in Port Area, Manila was arrested Monday night.

Noel Mandac was seen standing, half naked, near the old Bureau of Internal Revenue building along Roberto Oca street, at past 8 p.m. by members of the Manila Police District (MPD) District Police Intelligence Operation Unit as they holding an anti-crime drive, DPIOU head Chief Inspector Daniel Buyao Jr. said yesterday.

He said they approached Mandac and told him he was violating a city ordinance on obscenity by not wearing a shirt. When they asked Mandac to empty his pockets, they found a sachet of what they suspect to be shabu, Buyao said.

Mandac told police he is a member of the Batang City Jail gang and he has been charged with various crimes, particularly for robbing tourists, Buyao said. Mandac was charged with possession of illegal drugs.

Senior Superintendent Ronald Estilles, MPD deputy director for operations, commended Buyao and his men and said Mandac’s arrest would lessen the crimes reported in Port Area.       

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