Lawmakers eye speed limiters for buses

MANILA, Philippines - Alarmed by reports on the rising number of deaths and injuries from bus accidents, two Mindanao congressmen have proposed the mandatory installation of speed limiters on all public utility buses.

The requirement is contained in Bill 6395, authored by Cagayan de Oro City Rep. Rufus Rodriguez and his brother Maximo, who represents the party-list group Abante Mindanao.

“One way to decrease these accidents is to limit the speed of these buses by installing speed limiters,” the Rodriguez brothers said. They said the speed limiters would be attached to the engines and transmissions of buses.

Citing a recent study conducted by the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB), the two said there were 395 victims of bus accidents, 74 deaths, 300 injuries and 20 cases of damage to property in 2011.

Under the bill, all bus companies operating in the country would be required to install speed limiters. The gadgets would limit maximum speed to 40 kilometers per hour for buses in Metro Manila and 60 kilometers per hour for those plying provincial routes.

The devices would be subject to regular inspection by the LTFRB and the Land Transportation Office. The two agencies would be mandated to deny renewal of registration of buses and franchises unless the limiters were installed.

Bus firms found fielding units without the devices would face a franchise suspension for 30 days. Their units would be impounded. Multiple violations would result in the cancellation of a franchise. Any person caught tampering with a speed limiter would be fined P100,000 or imprisoned for five years. The court would be allowed to impose both penalties.

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