Drug suspect shot dead

MANILA, Philippines - A suspected drug peddler was gunned down in Quezon City Tuesday night.

Romeo Salas, 35, of Barangay Bagong Pag-Asa, had in his possession when he was killed a sachet containing marijuana leaves with fruiting tops, Police Officer 3 Johnny Mahilum said.

He also carried a loaded .38 caliber revolver and a fan knife tucked into his waistband. 

Mahilum said the victim was already dead when he was found at around 11:30 p.m. at the corner of Acacia and Quisoria Streets in Bagong Pag-Asa. He said the victim was shot in the left eye. 

A resident told police she heard a gunshot emanating from the back of her house. When she went out to check, she saw the victim sprawled on the ground face down. 

Mahilum said the victim was a suspected drug pusher who was out on bail after being arrested last year. He learned from the victim’s widow, Maricel, that her husband had an enemy in the area where he was killed.

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