... but fiscal frees 5 arrested protesters

MANILA, Philippines - Five protesters who were arrested during a violent dispersal at Mendiola Wednesday afternoon were released from detention Thursday night.

Prosecutor Elaine Yarra-Cerezo ordered the release from the Manila Police District (MPD) of students Nathaniel Aguilar, Karl Nadunza, Jed Aquino and Wilfredo Valenzuela Jr. and shoemaker Wilfredo Monte. 

The MPD filed charges of sedition, resisting arrest, illegal assembly, physical injury and malicious mischief against the five, who were turned over to their lawyer, Vicente Jaime Topacio.

Police Officer 3 Abelardo Aguilar, who prepared the charges against the five protesters, refused to comment on the reason for the dropping of charges. “I do not want to comment. I was only tasked by my superiors to prepare the charge sheets. I am not in a position to state the reason for their release,” he said when asked to state the reason for the release of the rallyists.

A ranking MPD official, who was trying to negotiate a peaceful end to the protest, was punched by one of the rallyists, according to MPD spokesman Chief Inspector Erwin Margarejo.

Police said the four students are members of the militant League of Filipino Students, but the students denied the allegation.

The MPD’s General Assignment Section has not received any counter charges reportedly being readied by lawyers of the arrested protesters.

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