Cabbie robs, molests 2 teen passengers

MANILA, Philippines - A taxi driver was arrested for bringing two teenage girls who boarded his taxi to a motel in Sta. Mesa, Manila, where he molested and robbed them, officials said yesterday.

Benjamin Hubaran Agustin Jr., 34, was presented by Manila Mayor Alfredo Lim during a press conference yesterday after his victims, aged 14 and 16, identified him. He has been charged with acts of lasciviousness and robbery.

The girls told Lim that on Oct. 31, they were walking home from Escolta when Agustin offered to bring them home to Tondo. However, Agustin reportedly drove around until he reached Queensland Motel in Sta. Mesa, where he was refused entry because the girls were minors.

Agustin then brought them to Giliw Motel, also in Sta. Mesa, where he was allowed to check in with the girls. In the motel room, the suspect undressed and ordered the girls to undress, but they refused and started crying.

After 30 minutes, Agustin brought the girls out of the motel and drove them to Galas, Quezon City, where he took their P1,500. A Quezon City police patrol team spotted them and apprehended Agustin before he could drive away.

“I want to know if there are other cases where the suspect is involved. I am having investigators look into cases of taxi drivers who rob and rape female passengers, particularly at night,” Lim added.

Lim directed City Administrator Jesus Mari Marzan to check on the hotels reportedly admitting minors who are not accompanied by their parents or guardians.

Agustin has denied the allegations. He said he picked up the girls because he though they were passengers and he brought them to a motel when they told him they were over 18 and wanted to “go on a gimmick.”

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