Malabon trader survives ambush

MANILA, Philippines - A meat dealer survived an ambush by two motorcycle-riding gunmen while he was driving to the Malabon City central market before dawn yesterday.

Soldeo Cruz, 41, was unscathed but his wife, Ma. Concepcion Garcia-Cruz, 24, was hit in the abdomen and remains confined at the Manila Central University Hospital’s intensive care unit, Malabon police deputy chief Superintendent Rio Gatacilo said.

“The gunmen’s target was Soldeo for they positioned themselves at the driver’s side but instead hit the woman in the stomach who was setting beside her husband,” Gatacilo told The STAR.

The central market, which is near a police station, was full of people and well-lit when the ambush occurred.

Gatacilo said the gunmen could be hired killers who will return to finish the job. He said the couple have been given police protection.

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