Quezon City court junks faction's attempt to control Stradcom

MANILA, Philippines - A Quezon City court has denied a businessman’s petition to be given control over Land Transportation Office (LTO) information technology contractor Stradcom Corp.

Judge Lita Tolentino-Genilo of Quezon City Regional Trial Court Branch 91 said the Office of the Solicitor General is correct that neither Bonifacio Sumbilla nor Cezar Quiambao can claim absolute authority to exercise the corporate powers of Stradcom.

“Thus, considering the there is still a question as to whom between the two contending groups must be considered the legitimate board of directors and officers of Stradcom, Sumbilla cannot rightfully claim to represent Stradcom and file the instant case,” she said.

Last month, Transportation and Communications Secretary Jose de Jesus ordered the LTO to take over Stradcom’s IT operations in the aftermath of a failed physical takeover by Sumbilla’s group of Stradcom’s building in the LTO compound.

Stradcom’s current management, headed by Quiambao, has denied that Sumbilla and associate Aderito Yujuico had taken over the company.

In a statement, Stradcom said Sumbilla, who claimed he was company president, is not an official of the firm.        

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