Lacson 'could drag Senate into controversy'

MANILA, Philippines – More senators are concerned over reports that fugitive Sen. Panfilo Lacson might drag the Senate into a controversial situation if he continues to draw his salaries and the operational funds of his office despite his long absence.

Sen. Joker Arroyo said the Senate had to act on the issue after the Commission on Audit (COA) had called the attention of the Senate about the questionable signatures of Lacson that were found on the certifications on fund disbursement.

“The problem is Senator Lacson does not show his face here,” Arroyo said.

Arroyo said a senator could not delegate the authority to any of his staff members, so the mere fact that Lacson’s office can still disburse its budget was questionable, as pointed out by government auditors.

Arroyo was reacting to reports that Lacson himself signed the certifications for the past nine months since he fled abroad last January in anticipation of the issuance of a warrant of arrest against him after he was implicated in the double-murder of publicist Salvador Dacer and his driver, Emmanuel Corbito.

Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile directed the Senate secretariat to stop the disbursement of funds for Lacson’s office after the COA called their attention.

Sources said Lacson’s action and the disbursements of his office funds might put Enrile and the entire Senate in a questionable position in the future because it can be seen as “abetting or aiding a criminal.”

Enrile denied yesterday that he has been informed that Lacson’s signatures appeared on the certifications for disbursements, which were part of the liquidation documents submitted regularly by each senator to the COA.

However, another senator said there could only be three reasons why Lacson’s signatures were affixed in the certifications. 

First, there is a “golden hand” that is affixing the senator’s signatures on the certifications. Second, that somebody knows his whereabouts and the documents are brought to him for his review and signature, and third, that Lacson already signed the pro-forma certifications even before he fled abroad.

The senator said these three explanations all point to illegal acts that create an impression that Lacson is enjoying protection of his colleagues at the Senate, which is a violation of law.

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