4 injured in San Juan fire

MANILA, Philippines - Two firefighters and two residents were injured when a fire believed caused by faulty electrical wiring hit a squatters’ area in San Juan City yesterday, destroying property estimated at P5 million and rendering 37 families homeless.

Fireman SFO1 Wilfredo Estoesta’s right leg was wounded while his colleague, FO1 Alvin Velasco, broke his index finger during an engine relay. Residents Mark Reynan Adriano, 24, and Raul Milanes were sent home after being treated at a nearby hospital.

Arson prober SFO2 Domingo Cabog said the fire started at the house of a certain Segunda Carasco on P. Parada street in Barangay Sta. Lucia at about 8:14 a.m.

Cabog said at least 15 houses, two computer shops and a variety store were razed to the ground by the time the fire was put out at around 9:05 a.m. – Non Alquitran

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