Boy tags Roldan as kidnappers’ big boss

Former Quezon City congressman Dennis Roldan was tagged yesterday by a six-year-old kidnap victim as the “big boss” of the armed men who snatched him in Pasig City three years ago.

At yesterday’s hearing before the Pasig Regional Trial Court Branch 159, Kenshi Yu pointed to Roldan, who was seated at the gallery’s front row, when a prosecutor asked him during re-direct examination to identify the leader of his kidnappers.

Kenshi was accompanied by his father, Roger, who asked Judge Rodolfo Bonifacio’s permission whether he can go with his son when he identifies Roldan. The judge granted his wish.

Kenshi, who was three years old when he was kidnapped, also identified Rowena San Andres as the “bad mother” who did “horrible” things to him during his captivity.

Roldan, (Mitchell Gumabao in real life) and several others have been charged with Kenshi’s kidnapping. Roldan is out on bail.

Roldan’s lawyer, Orlando Salatandre Jr., said Kenshi readily identified his client because he was seated alone in a corner.

“We are not bothered by his (Yu’s) testimony,” he said.  “We hope that the honorable judge will not favor his testimony. It has been three years since the kidnapping, and we believe the ‘selective memory’ of the child only raised the suspicion that he was taught what to say before the court.”

Salatandre said it was impossible for a six-year-old child to remember all the details during his kidnapping when he was only three years old. Kenshi could not even remember what he was wearing at the time he was kidnapped, he added.   – Non Alquitran

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