‘Every car must have a wastebasket’

Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Rosales suggested yesterday that motorists should have wastebaskets in their vehicles so they and their passengers would not litter the roads with garbage.

“I was once riding in a car. We were following a car… on EDSA. It was summer and we were caught by traffic. We were watching the car ahead of us, which was just full of people. And out came corn cobs right there on EDSA,” Rosales told reporters.

“All those things, you usually throw in the house. We called their attention. I said, you know, you might get trouble in this country if you do that,” he added.

Rosales then suggested that in order to avoid making a mess, cars and other vehicles must be equipped with wastebaskets.

“You could do the country a great contribution. All cars and buses must have a container for trash so that no trash should fly out of the window. Your are not only keeping the surroundings healthy, but you’re also developing a mentality of control and civic consciousness,” he said. – Sandy Araneta

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