Manila Water’s corporate responsibility programs extend beyond the provision of water as a basic social resource to improve the lives of people through its Tubig Para Sa Barangay. As problems on the environment continue to be a major concern worldwide, the East Zone concessionaire has intensified its advocacies for environmental protection.
The launching of Attaining Goals on Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation (AGOS) project, forged between Manila Water and the Federal Government of Germany through DEG is a significant development in Manila Water’s thrust of rallying its customers to do their share in protecting the environment. The AGOS project is made up of information and education campaign, training on environmental management systems, and pilot of sanitation systems for low-income communities. The first phase is an advocacy campaign to increase awareness on the importance of good water and wastewater services. The second component aims to further strengthen Manila Water’s knowledge on environmental management that ensures the sustainability of its operations through optimal use of resources. This means that Manila Water employees, service providers and local government partners will undergo training in Phased Environmental Management Systems focusing on ways to improve efficiency in production. The last phase of the project is the construction of a sanitation system for a pilot community within the Marikina River Basin catchment area, as a test project for the Wastewater Master Plan.
Well-known advocates of sustainable development recently graced the launch of the project. German Ambassador to the Philippines Christian-Ludwig Weber-Lorstch expressed pleasure over the project, and vowed unconditioned support to Manila Water’s future environmental programs. UNDP Resident Coordinator Nileema Noble thanked Manila Water for consistently working toward achieving the Millennium Development Goal number 7 which aims to “to halve by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and improved sanitation” and the Medium Term Philippine Development Plan goals to “provide potable water to the entire country by 2010, with priority given to at least 200 waterless barangays in Metro Manila”. Mr. Aquino, for his part, reiterated Manila Water’s commitment both to the environment and to providing quality water service to all its customers. He expressed gratitude toward DEG in its consistent support of Manila Water’s programs, DEG being the first agency to provide funding to Manila Water with a $200 million loan in 2004. Manila Water Chief Finance Officer Sherisa Nuesa was one of the officials who graced the event.