Drivers on strike cause massive traffic jam

A two-hour traffic jam was created in Sta. Cruz, Manila yesterday after a group of drivers parked their passenger jeepneys in the middle of the street to protest over the alleged bias of policemen in the enforcement of traffic laws and regulations.

The subject of the drivers’ protest action was Superintendent Roberto dela Rosa, chief of the Western Traffic District Office (WTDO), who allegedly favors the Federation of Jeepney Operators and Drivers Associations of the Philippines (Fedjodap), according to Obet Martin, president of another transport group Pasang Masda.

Fedjodap and Pasang Masda ply the Tayuman-Pritil-Lardizabal route.

Martin claimed that Fedjodap drivers are using the side streets of Tayuman and Rizal Avenue as their terminal, which affects Pasang Masda drivers.

He said his group has brought the problem to Dela Rosa’s attention but the latter allegedly refused to act. "Fedjodap drivers continue to mock the policemen by using the side streets as their illegal terminal. Besides this brazen violation of traffic laws, (their actions) affected the earnings of my driver-members since the Fedjodap drivers corner the (bulk of the) passengers," Martin said.

Pasang Masda said they have also elevated their problem to the City Hall, but "the city government seems to be on the side of Zenaida Maranan, president of Fedjodap."

The striking Pasang Masda drivers only removed their jeepneys in the middle of the street after Dela Rosa promised to hold a dialogue with them. Traffic returned to normal after the parked jeepneys were removed from the streets.

No Fedjodap member wants to grant interview with the media but said their group will issue a statement on the strike staged by Pasang Masda.

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