Atienza bats for shift to unicameral

Manila City Mayor Lito Atienza yesterday urged the Consultative Commission on Constitutional Amendments to consider a shift to a unicameral legislature, saying this would lead to a more responsive and responsible lawmaking process.

He said right now all senators are elected at large that is why they feel they are like the President.

"Technically, we have 25 presidents in the Philippines," Atienza said. "Ang feeling ng Senate kapantay nila ang pangulo. Dito nagsimula ang intriga at gusot. Wala silang pananagutan sa local."

Atienza delivered his message before the commissioners of the con-com, the sectoral leaders in Manila during yesterday’s NCR consultations held at the Villegas Hall of Manila City Hall.

The two houses of Congress have been criticized for not concentrating on their work to legislate new laws and put more time in calling for inquiries on the alleged anomalies and irregularities committed by President Arroyo and her administration.

Con-com commissioners Gerardo Espina Jr. and Jose Villanueva supported the need to have a unicameral system and a decentralized government to strengthen local autonomy.

"With a unicameral system," Espina said, "we can reduce 50 percent of the process."

He asked representatives and officials from the business, youth, church and barangay sectors to keep an open mind during the workshops, which would be led by con-com chairman Jose Abueva and 13 commissioners.

Atienza said the country’s political and economic predicament would worsen if the change in the system is not implemented.

"Right now, we are one of the poorest country in Asia and would soon be taken over by Cambodia and Vietnam. We have to look inward and decide that the system is not working. Change is often resisted, but let us not miss the opportunity and take advantage of the situation."

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