Bro. Eddie rally: It’s wait-and-see for Makati traffic authority

The Bangon Pilipinas Movement (BPM) has promised a crowd of 200,000 in the central business district of Makati City to prove the overwhelming support for presidential candidate Evangelist Bro. Eduardo "Eddie" Villanueva.

Still, the Makati City Public Safety Office (MAPSA) yesterday decided to take a wait-and-see attitude, saying it did not even prepare a traffic rerouting scheme for the rally.

MAPSA chief Ret. Capt. Bartolome Agravante said he had coordinated with the Makati Parking Authority (MAPA) of Ayala Land and decided that there was no need to come up with a re-routing plan.

MAPSA only learned yesterday that Makati City Administrator Nicanor Santiago issued a rally permit to BPM.

He said although the rally would be held at the city’s busy central business district, there would be no alternative routes because it was unlikely that 200,000 people would take to the streets on a working day.

Agravante said the gathering would not cause major traffic gridlock in area as long as it finishes it before 5 p.m.

"Besides, the rally would only be for two hours, between 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., and is not expected to cause major traffic along Ayala Avenue," he added.

Villanueva’s supporters are expected to assemble near the Makati Medical Center and march toward the Philippine Stock Exchange where they will set up a stage.

"It was agreed that we would simply wait and see as to how the rally progresses. Only then would we decide if there is a need to re-route traffic," Agravante said.

By noon, they would have a good assessment of the size of the crowd, he added.

Agravante appealed to organizers of the rally dubbed "Lantad Makati" to police their ranks and ensure that it will be peaceful and orderly.

Agravante, a seasoned traffic officer, doubted if the BPM could muster the targeted number of participants. He was with the Makati Traffic Police for 33 years and, upon retirement 11 years ago, was hired to head MAPSA.

"I have been involved in Makati City traffic for 44 years. The biggest rally I ever witnessed was the EDSA 1 rally, where some 15,000 to 20,000 people showed up in Ayala. Since then no gathering has ever come close, he said.

For its part, MAPSA would only be fielding 30 enforcers to man every intersection where rallyists will pass. He said he does not know how many traffic personnel from the Makati police and MAPA would be deployed.

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