Bonnet Gang robs BPI

Police are hunting at least eight suspected members of the dreaded ‘Bonnet Gang’ after they robbed the Bank of the Philippine Islands branch in Sto. Domingo, Quezon City at noon yesterday.

A still undetermined amount of cash was taken, but sources said it "could not have been much" because the still unidentified gunmen failed to open the bank’s vault. No deaths or injuries were reported.

The masked suspects escaped onboard a stolen red Toyota Revo (WAX-159). They were armed with handguns and M-16 rifles. Sources said that there is still the possibility of an "inside job."

Police Superintendent Raul Medina, chief of the Central Police District investigation unit, said they recovered the vehicle after the gang abandoned it somewhere along Banaue Street. Several ammos of an M203 grenade launcher were also seen inside the Revo. Authorities said that the said vehicle was stolen earlier that morning in Makati City.

"The Bonnet Gang members are the most likely culprits because the robbery had the same pattern as theirs. But we are confident that an arrest will soon follow because we have already launched a massive manhunt operation," Medina said in an interview.

Initial reports showed that the incident took place at about 11:40 a.m. inside the BPI branch in Sto. Domingo near Banaue Street. Police said that one of the suspects posed as a client and went inside the bank. A few minutes later, he pulled out a long firearm and announced the heist. Moments later, six of his cohorts barged inside. They disarmed the security guards and divested the tellers of cash. They immediately went outside and fled onboard the stolen Revo. Authorities said the actual robbery could not have taken more than five minutes.

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