No drinking party, says Daboy

Movie actor Rudy "Daboy" Fernandez told the Sandiganbayan yesterday that he and former San Juan Mayor Jinggoy Estrada did not have a drinking party in a restaurant at the Makati Medical Center (MMC) last month.

Testifying before the Sandiganbayan Special Division presided over by Associate Justice Minita Chico Nazario yesterday, Fernandez explained that what actually took place last June 11 at the Floating Island restaurant of the MMC was just a late dinner which he hosted for 30 persons, mostly members of the cast and production staff of his recent movie Diskarte.

Among those present, he said, was his leading lady, sexy actress Ara Mina.

Fernandez said that there was no liquor served during the dinner. "My secretary, upon my orders, arranged the dinner at the Floating Island restaurant at the Makati Medical Center. We were hoping that we can be joined by Mayor Estrada. We went there past 9 in the evening and stayed there until 12 midnight," Fernandez said.

Fernandez said that he personally called up Jinggoy and asked him if he could join them for dinner.

"Ara Mina was there with the other co-stars of the movie Diskarte. Jinggoy, accompanied by his policemen bodyguards, joined us at past 10 in the evening," Fernandez said.

Fernandez said that among the food served during the dinner were fried pork legs, fried chicken and soft drinks.

"For my part, I ordered milk for a drink. It was the last item I ordered," Fernandez said.

Fernandez said that he was the one, and not Jinggoy, who paid the bill amounting to over P25,000.

"There were two receipts. The first one was for the food and drinks, not liquor. The second one was for the coffee and tea," Fernandez said.

The Sandiganbayan decided to investigate Estrada’s alleged drinking party after receiving a letter from Leoncio de Mesa of UP Dilliman who claimed that the former San Juan mayor took part in a drinking spree after Fernandez’s press conference.

In his letter to Nazario, De Mesa said that Jinggoy and Fernandez stayed up until 7 a.m. at the restaurant.

In his testimony, Fernandez explained that it would be impossible for him and his guests to stay at the restaurant until 7 a.m. because they had to proceed to Baclaran church to pray for the box office success of his movie after the dinner. Jose Rodel Clapano

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