13 Taguig employees fail drugs test

The Taguig municipal government cracked the whip against 13 casual employees working at the municipal hall after they were found positive for using metamphetamine hydrocloride, commonly known as shabu.

One was dismissed while the rest were suspended by Mayor Freddie Tinga, a statement from the municipal office said.

The terminated employee was identified as Robert White, assigned at the General Service Office (GSO). Those suspended were unnamed.

The statement noted that White had twice undergone the mandatory drug tests conducted by the Municipal Health Office (MHO) and failed on both occasions.

The MHO, in coordination with the Taguig Anti-Drug Abuse Council (TADAC), has been conducting unannounced drug tests among all municipal employees, the local police, and barangay officials since November last year as mandated by Municipal Resolution No. 278, Series of 2001, authored by Councilor Henry Duenas Jr.

Those found positive for drug use will initially be suspended without remuneration and other benefits. Another test will be conducted six months later on those who failed and if still found positive, the employees will be terminated.

Two other employees, identified as Jerry Sanga and Tristan Benitez, had also been dismissed from service for falsification of public documents and false salary claims. Sanga, the statement noted, had once been found positive for drug use. Nikko Dizon

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