Consumer protection primer out

A primer on how to make markets work for Filipino consumers is now off the press and ready for distribution to consumer groups, policy-makers and other interested parties.

The primer, titled "Making Markets Work for Filipino Consumers: A Primer on Competition Regulation and Consumer Protection," is an excellent source of information and insights that can help consumer advocates better argue or lobby their case for a more consumer-friendly business environment in the country.

The primer presents a simple guide to consumer rights, consumer movements and what has to be done to improve the welfare of consumers in the Philippines. Specifically, it puts forward suggestions on what can be done to develop and maintain effective competition in the markets for goods and services, one of the most important aspects of consumer protection policy. The task, the primer’s authors argue, is to make markets really work for ordinary consumers in daily life and for the benefit of the community as a whole.

Preparation and publication of the primer is part of the Consumer Assistance Facilitation Project (CAFP), a joint effort of Filipino and Australian consumer advocates supported by the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAid) through the Philippines-Australia Governance Facility (PAGF).

Copies of the primer may be obtained by contacting the CAFP Secretariat at 435-50-88, 924-60-37 or 924-60-39. For inquiries please contact Ed Santoalla, CAFP Philippines coordinator through tel. nos. 435-36-52, 0919-369-4186 or email: araw at

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