Estrada resign motorcade slated

A cross section of Marikina City residents, including church, socio-civic and cause-oriented groups, will hold on Sunday, Nov. 19, starting at 1:30 p.m., a massive motorcade around their city, said event coordinator Arlu Gomez.

Gomez said the motorcade participants will go around the city to drum up support for the campaign calling on President Estrada to resign for alleged corruption, cronysm and incompetence. Their assembly point is the Our Lady of the Abandoned Parish Church in San Roque, Marikina.

"Our country is at the edge of economic collapse; the peso-dollar exchange rate has reached an all-time low of P50-US$1; the prices of basic commodities are slowly moving away from the reach of our people; the stock market is almost dead; foreign investors are saying goodbye or shying away; local companies are laying off thousands of workers. We, the silent majority, cannot simply remain quiet and allow this situation to continue," Gomez said.

Gomez said politicians or political party members will not be allowed to participate in the motorcade.

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