Crusading b’gay head shot dead

A barangay captain in Tondo, Manila, who was reportedly an anti-drug crusader, was shot dead by suspected drug pushers in the Baseco compound in Manila’s Port Area last Thursday night.

Reports reaching the Western Police District Homicide Section identified the victim as Generoso Hispano, 46, captain of Barangay Bagong Lupa, Tondo.

According to reports, Generoso died at the Manila Doctors Hospital along UN Avenue after sustaining 17 gunshot wounds in various parts of the body.

Reports said Generoso was driving home aboard a green barangay service vehicle with plate number DPC-540 after attending a meeting of local barangay captains when the gunmen blocked his path along a dimly-lit portion of Muelle del Rio street at about 8:45 p.m.

Without any warning, the suspects opened fire with caliber .45 pistols. After the shooting, the suspects then pulled Generoso’s body off the jeep and fled with the vehicle. Police later recovered the abandoned jeep along Orbiztondo street in Binondo, Manila. – Mike Frialde

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