Defense reporters denounce major

The Defense Press Corps (DPC) formally demanded yesterday that disciplinary actions be imposed against a military officer who verbally assaulted a journalist covering the defense and military beats last Tuesday.

In letters to Defense Secretary Orlando Mercado and Armed Forces chief Gen. Angelo Reyes, the DPC strongly condemned the alleged abusive and arrogant behavior of Maj. Valentin Hizon toward The STAR’s Paolo Romero.

"Major Hizon’s repugnant actions were totally uncalled for and it was conduct unbecoming of an officer and a gentleman," the DPC said.

"He is definitely one of the bad eggs in the ranks of the military," it added.

The DPC said Romero was subjected to verbal abuse by Hizon while the former was researching an assigned article regarding the Armed Forces’ computer-assisted bidding for its modernization program.

Hizon, assigned at the Modernization Program Management Office, is a graduate of Class 1986 of the Philippine Military Academy and is with the Philippine Marines.

The incident occurred at about 10 a.m. in Hizon’s office were Romero has been told to proceed by the former to get the materials needed for the article.

Without any cause, Hizon suddenly screamed at him to get out of the office and even shouted expletives to which Romero, surprised, retorted in full measure.

Romero proceeded to the Armed Forces’ Public Information Office to cool off but Hizon called up the press office, sought the reporter and verbally attacked him again.

Hizon later made another call to the same office and told the staff that Romero did not "coordinate properly."

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