Not Nerissa who is with one Cebu Jonas to back Luigi

CEBU, Philippines - Mandaue City Mayor Jonas Cortes will support the candidacy of reelectionist sixth district Representative Luis Gabriel Quisumbing and not Nerissa Soon-Ruiz who will also be running for Congress in the same district under the One Cebu Party.

Cortes, who is an LP member, yesterday said Soon-Ruiz may be the city’s health consultant but his support will go to Quisumbing who is also a member of the Liberal Party.

“Way question ana,” referring to his support to the re-election bid of Quisumbing.

Cortes said the hiring of Soon-Ruiz as the city’s health consultant in July should not be given political color.

There were no strings attached and had nothing to do with politics when the offer was made, he said.

Cortes said he hired Soon-Ruiz because of her expertise and track record in public health.

He said if he rescinded the contract, it will put him in a bad light. 

When sought for comment over One Cebu’s pronouncement to have him as its guest candidate for mayor in the city since it has not yet decided to field any candidate against him, Cortes said he would very much be flattered because it would mean Once Cebu trusts him and conforms to the way he runs the city.  (FREEMAN)

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