Police in Talisay use latest technology

CEBU, Philippines - The police in Talisay City are set to utilize the latest in technology such as the internet to warn barangays of impending storms, or give updates on other pressing matters.

Supt. Eddie Recamara, acting Talisay City Police Station chief, said banks and other commercial establishments will also be a part of this program for their own safety and security.

Recamara said the police are taking this step in response to the order issued by the Police Regional Office 7 and the provincial headquarters, which aims for zero-casualty during calamities.

He said the city has the direct phone lines to all 22 barangay chiefs, who will then receive regular updates from the police.

It is then now the barangay chiefs that will then advise their constituents to relocate to safer places, if need be.

The program also goes beyond calamity updates; it is also aimed at deterring crimes by scattering information and photos in the Internet of suspected criminals on the loose.

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