Cops arrest man fo carnapping

CEBU, Philippines - A man who has a pending warrant of arrest for a carnapping case was apprehended at a checkpoint in barangay Tingub, Mandaue City Wednesday afternoon by operatives of the Investigation and Detective Management Bureau (IDMB).

A roadblock was put up that day in an attempt to arrest men that robbed a pawnshop located at the foot of the Marcelo Fernan Bridge in Lapu-Lapu City of P6 million worth of jewelry.

Apprehended after making a u-turn to avoid the checkpoint were Rommel Arda of barangay Pagsabungan, Mandaue City and his companion Wilfredo Alinsug of barangay Paknaan.

Policemen detailed a few meters away from the checkpoint quickly responded when they saw the two men's motorcycle making an about face.

Alinsug who drove the motorcycle said he turned around when he saw the checkpoint because he forgot to bring his driver's license with him.

Arda, on the other hand, yielded two ampules of nubain. Both men were turned over to the IDMB office.

At the IDMB office, police learned Arda has a pending warrant of arrest for a carnapping case, which was issued by Judge Marilyn Yap of the RTC Branch 28.

It was also learned that Arda was just recently released from the Lapu-Lapu City jail, also for a carnapping case.

Also seized from Arda were two cellular phones who he claimed belonged to two people he held up in Lapu-Lapu recently.

Alinsug also claimed they were on their way to Cebu City to steal again when caught at the checkpoint.

Police freed Alinsug after presenting later his driver's license while Arda is presently detained at the Police station 1 pending the filing of charges. (FREEMAN)

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