Back to cool: How to style it easy at grad school

Masters in design: Martin Bautista silk camisole, Stacy Rodriguez wrap skirt with ostrich leather trim, Paul Smith shoes.

MANILA, Philippines - Clinching that MBA or PhD overseas? Dress the part. At institutions of higher learning, at least abroad, you’d be surprised to learn that there really is no dress code save for one unwritten rule: keep it comfy. There is nothing more laughable than a student schlepping around in high heels or anything even remotely sexy. Stay sedate and steezy in flat shoes, sensible hemlines and cool jackets. As we live through 2014 (read: this current exodus of restless creatives or corporates our age flocking off to grad school, this stylist included), think of packing a wardrobe that’s a little more esteemed, a little less populist. Bodies are out; brains are in.


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