Jojie Lloren: Black magic

The master of tailored suits and timeless dresses has done it again in his powerful yet extremely ladylike collection for Fashion Watch. In understated black and white, structural pieces glided like sleek sculptures across the floor accented with white chiffon strategically placed to soften the structural lines. Cocktail dresses with expertly molded rosette details that naturally flowed around the pieces were a surreal touch and created that unorthodox twist to an otherwise simple shift dress. Black with white swirls of cut fabric came next, once again making the basic dress a well-thought-out work of art.

Turquoise blue and silver, the accent shades in the neutral palette, were blended beautifully in the pieces.

Dramatic yet at the same time moving, Lloren’s collection is a study in understated chic, where sexy doesn’t have to mean revealing and true beauty in design need not be flashy but is instead expressed in flawless workmanship.

Drama queen: The collection didn’t lack in theatrics.

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