The Festival Check-list

MANILA, Philippines - Bring friends. As they say, the more the merrier. As the city is most probably crowded, use a buddy system just in case you get separated, and have everyone’s cell phone numbers handy. Safety aside, a celebration like this is more fun when shared with friends.

Bring a camera. You won’t be taking photos like these every day.

Bring your chargers. You’ll be snapping so many pictures, you are going to want to make sure there’s enough battery charge to last the whole festival. Also for your phone. Handy way to keep in touch if you separate from the group.

Plan ahead. Get accommodations near the action so you can walk to the festivities. Traffic will be rerouted and taking cabs might be difficult and costly. Or, accommodations at the heart of the festival may be loud and noisy all the way until evening. Choose carefully.

Bring comfortable shoes and clothes. You might be doing a lot of walking and dancing. You are going to want to last the whole day without your feet giving out on you.

Bring an extra bag for the return home. Expect to buy lots of memorabilia and food pasalubongs. You might find yourself with a mask, a T-shirt, or boxes of goodies you didn’t allow space for in your suitcase on your way home.

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