A week in retrospect

Too little time

If there is something I have learned from the last few weeks it’s that it seems no matter how much time we think we have, it is usually never enough. We make lists of things to do and things to accomplish but somehow that list never seems to get any shorter, even though we are beginning to run out of days in the week. The realization came when I looked over my past few weeks of “To-Do” lists and realized that it always seems like I run out of time before I tick everything off. I guess it’s just a matter of proper time management, which I am constantly juggling between work, family, and rest. But, I can’t complain. I have been thoroughly enjoying my job and I am constantly learning and experiencing new things. Though it seems that there is too little time some days perhaps that’s also because I am blessed enough to be busy and I am enjoying life so much that I wish there were more hours in a day to live it!

Small pleasures

Another thing I have been brooding over in the past few weeks is the old saying that the best things in life are free. It’s cliché but I think the reason it became cliché is because it is true. Some of the things I find I value more than anything else in this world are things that can’t be bought in a store or in a mall with any kind of currency. I treasure the great family and friends I have and the time I get to spend with them. As mentioned above, time has become more and more of a precious commodity in my life therefore whatever free time I do get, I like to enjoy it with those who are close to my heart. It’s revitalizing to be with people you care about it. And for me it’s better than any vitamins. Whether it’s just having lunch with my parents and catching up or watching a movie and chilling with my cousins, even if it’s just spending the day walking our dogs or playing with them. That actually brings me to something else I wanted to say as well.

Things to look forward to

As another week draws to a close the promise of a new one begins and there are many things I am looking forward to in the months ahead. Summer is finally here and that can only mean the start of new and exciting things. One of the things I am personally looking forward to, are taking a few weekend breaks whenever possible. I am hoping to try wakeboarding or surfing this summer, or even hiking and seeing more of our country’s beautiful sites. I love the fact that we are surrounded by water and that water sports are available almost everywhere. Since I already scuba dive I am quite keen to try my hand at wakeboarding and surfing as well. It’s great that so many things are readily available to us so I try to do new things whenever the opportunity arises. I’m also hoping to pass by the Science and Discovery Center in Mall of Asia as well as catching the U2 show in the IMAX Theater. Keeping my fingers crossed that they are really coming here later on in the year!

Much to be happy about

So despite hectic timetables, and rushing, and deadlines, life is pretty sweet. I have a family that is ever supportive. The love of a man who truly makes me feel like an incredible human being. Friends who are a constant reminder of how lucky I am to have them in my life and two dogs and cat who are just a constant joy — even when they are arguing or forgetting to go to the bathroom in their designated area! In the end I come to same conclusion I usually do whenever I take some time out to pause and reflect. I’m a lucky girl and I am truly grateful for all the blessings in my life.

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