Foreign observers blames low voters turnout on military, police presence

If — at some point during the day — you find yourself sticking your head inside your home freezer, an icepack perched on your neck, asking yourself when this tiresome, hot weather will end, well, moan no more. This isn’t the path to climate change — although if you ride that SUV long enough, you just might make it happen.

YoungSTAR feels your pain. The almost-there-heatstroke, the uncomfortable feeling you get when your co-worker or classmate passes you a note that says, “Dude, your armpit sweat is totally soaking through your shirt”; and the uncool way your hair lies flat against your head, unable to fight the humidity: we’ve all been there, sweated through that. (Except for the whole armpit sweat scenario — you’re on your own there, sister.)

So what to do? We’ve discovered great ways to get away from the heat and into the cold. And no, we’re not blowing crushed ice up your butt.

Thanks to the insane number of establishments at Mall of Asia offering cooling concoctions to stabilize your body’s temperature, we’ve decided to list them down for you and rank the goods. Who’s got them, how much are they and what do they do? All good questions, my parched little readers.

For this, our first foray into the art of thirst-quenching, we found great — and even some unexpected — spots for some good old session of drinking. Make that drinking smoothies, juices and shakes that are sure to hit the spot.

And if that doesn’t work. A day at the ice rink with some seriously cool friends for company should do the trick.

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