Elements of style

With blogs documenting street fashion doubling daily, neophyte sartorialists are given the chance to check out what people in Paris, New York, Berlin and other style-savvy capitals are wearing. There’s the hippie chick in a chiffon floral dress and flats, the club kid in extremely skinny jeans and an equally skinny tie, the yuppie in tapered trousers and pastel polo, the Goth girl in all-black with streaky eyeliner, and the uptown businessman in a bespoke suit and sharp leather shoes – these are the types you can find in every country, documented diligently by fashion enthusiasts who broadcast their favorite streetwalkers in personal blogs read daily by people around the world.

Click-happy club kids who enjoy posing in front of a camera as much as carousing till dawn meticulously display their latest forays into edgy streetwear by posing happily in front of friends’ cameras. The next day, despite an exhausting night of drinking and dancing, these kids are eagerly uploading images of themselves and friends on their Flickr accounts or web journals.

This celebration of all things fashion – whether it’s a critique of a collection debuted in Milan or a photo of a passerby in a funky Japanese designer label – is heartily embraced by the tech-savvy. Clicking on the coolest thing online has never been easier.

deconstructs three cool guys, selected by photographer Jenna Genio, and their personal styles.
All clicked out
Check out accessories designer Veronica Maclang’s cool clickers. Maclang has what some might consider an unusual penchant for crafting her custom designs on a specific item that is blurred by obscurity and belongs to the realm of insignificance: clickers.

She traces her clicker compulsion squarely back to the fact that she sees passion in everything. Those round, metal, handheld counters are about as plain as anything can get, but Maclang begs to differ. "I found the marriage of art and everyday life in these clickers." She says. "It’s more than just a counting device. Among other things, it tracks people’s passions. And that, in itself is a statement."

 "I suppose it can be a considered a quirk," she laughs. "But if you see something that strikes a chord in you, whether or not other people see what you see in it, you feel compelled to do something about it. For me, it was a desire to redefine what these clickers are by infusing my particular brand of art and design philosophy."

The results represent an ideal that can be interpreted as a pretty piece of art or something else charged with possibilities – simultaneously familiar and different. "I design them with one thing in mind: passion. It’s the reason why I am so drawn to them in the first place," Maclang notes.

Drawing inspiration from her personal passions, the clickers were transformed into stylish pieces that reflect Maclang’s enthusiasm. Functional clicker embellishments make each piece a welcome and stylish addition to one’s daily essentials. A simple key-ring, necklace chain, pocket clock combined with the artful play of colors and patterns produces a practical accessory that is as useful as it is impressive and key personalities have begun to take notice. Celebrities, who are just as eager to keep track of their passions and share the designer’s aesthetic vision have been snapping up the jazzed-up clickers and are using them to make a stylish, personal statement.

Veronica Maclang’s eye-candy representation of passion illuminates and makes a visual impact of how different things could be if we choose to see the beauty in everything. But whether you interpret it as a tangible reminder of all things you love, or a designer’s idiosyncratic inclinations, Maclang’s art still represents a different kind of cool.
Victor Basa: Model-Turned-Actor

What makes a guy stylish?
Physique, hair, attitude, self-expression and composition.

Describe your personal style.

I take a little inspiration from Raaary Decihells of the band Test Icicles.

How do you stand out from the crowd?

Wearing my outfit and not the other way around.

Where do you shop?

You can find gems in the most unlikely places, from Penshoppe to Homme et Femme, to the ukay-ukay at the corner of five and dime.

One thing you can’t live without?

Slim-fit pants.

What’s your signature piece of clothing?

My low-key Macbeth Elliots.

Designers who click with your look?

Hedi Slimane, Rei Kawakubo, alex+chloe, Joey Samson, Ivarluski Aseron and JC Buendia.

Trends you love?

Electroclash and ’80s revival.

What should a guy always have in his closet?

White V-neck shirt.

What makes a girl stylish?

Hair and the right pair of shoes.

You can never have enough of...

Hoodies and shoes.

Stylish guys you look up to?

Kiko Escora, Otto Ferraren, Ino Caluza, Idris Vicuña and Gian Romano.

Style tips for guys?

Don’t be afraid to try new things. 
Spark Ding: Student

What makes a guy stylish?
I guess there’s no standard for being stylish, however, if a guy can convey different sides of his personality successfully through his outfits, I’d say the guy is stylish.

Describe your personal style.

Hahaha. That’s a tough one. Most of my friends would use words like funky, tough, dodgy, unisex, sexy and mysterious to describe my style.

How do you stand out from the crowd?

I am just being myself and being sincere. I believe non-verbal communication could be more effective in conveying my personality, mood, educational background, etc. When the right outfit, cologne, hair style, voice tone, and body language all come together, a unique icon will just emerge naturally

Where do you shop?

I don’t have a favorite place to shop, but I got many items from eBay. Try it, it’ll surprise you.

One thing you can’t live without?

Umm... food, I guess.

What’s your signature piece of clothing?

My huge earring. It looks really tough.

Designers who click with your look?

Dolce & Gabbana.

Trends you love?

To be honest, I never follow any fashion trends. I create my own – so I’ll call it "K-motion." Hahaha, I just made that up.

What should a guy always have in his closet?

Cologne, lots of it.

What makes a girl stylish?

Personality and, most importantly, charisma.

You can never have enough of...

Time. I have so many things on my mind every single day, so many things I want to do. I mean, life is short. You’ve got to spend every second on something worthy.

Stylish guys you look up to?

Hahaha. How about the other two male models besides me in this story?

Style tips for guys?

One word: peacock. Just be yourself, be different, never follow the trend because fashion trends only make everyone dress the same like some kind of uniform. You do not want that to happen to you. But do be classy, tidy and always have something unique on you that no one else has.

Adrian Go: Businessman
What makes a guy stylish?

Confidence. If a guy exudes a certain attitude and class, he’s got style to go with anything.

What’s your style philosophy?

Dare to be different.

How do you stand out from the crowd?

Just be, and you’ll stand out.

Where do you shop?

Ordinary places for casual wear, signature places for formal wear.

One thing you can’t live without?

Money to buy everything I need.

What’s your signature piece of clothing?

My Luciano Barbera charcoal pinstripe suit.

Designers who click with your look?

John Galliano, Quinton de Alexandar, Michiko Koshino and Dior Homme designer Hedi Slimane.

Trends you love?

Anything that looks good on me or I feel comfortable wearing. I’m not so much of a trend follower.

What should a guy always have in his closet?

A good pair of jeans, a well-fitted white polo and basic tee, socks, cologne and a cool pair of leather shoes.

What makes a girl stylish?

If she can carry herself well wearing anything from a simple outfit to classy wear. 

You can never have enough of...

Chocolate and anything sweet. Oh, does it have to be related to fashion?

Stylish guys you look up to?

Eugen Bauder, Karl Lindman and Louis Prades.

Style tips for guys?

Work good. Play good. Feel good.
* * *

Send comments to oohbea@gmail.com.

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