When it rains in June

Who can tell me what smart casual, two seemingly simple but wholly esoteric words, mean? In today’s louche glam generation, you can well be on your way to a sit-down dinner in your Havaianas and favorite drainpipe jeans. "Our generation will always be remembered for T-shirts and jeans. The ‘50s had those beautiful dresses and that’s how that period will be remembered. Even couture has not made its mark in the 21st century," says Pauline Suaco-Juan of Preview.

Surely the world is in a very loose state. Relationships are taking on different forms every day, making simple affection as corny as pork and beans. More and more people are working at home. The economy is in flux, thus making extravagant living, well, obscenely extravagant. Fashion has always been a reflection of our times. And today’s relaxed attitude towards fashion is an expression of our relaxed but transitory state. Ornusa Cadness, the model for this shoot featuring clothes from Chocolate, sums it succinctly: "Smart casual is looking good while feeling comfortable." So sweats are not smart casual, while a flirty halter with cotton pants are. A litmus test for this is if you can’t wear it to the office, but you can to the grocery. The dressier version is always more appropriate for events that don’t include sauntering by the fruits and vegetables aisle.

Surely, this has been annoying for many partygoers. So here we present what is smart casual so we can put an end to the curse of showing up at cocktail parties in slippers forever. Think of it as putting the smart in casual.
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Chocolate Clothing Co. is available at Shangri-La Plaza Mall, PowerPlant Mall and Megamall.

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