
BS Management
Major in Communications Technology
Ateneo De Manila University

After 12 hours of flying in turbulence, we finally landed in South Africa. From there it was a quick and disciplined travel by bus to Indaba Hotel. Aside from a delay due to a traffic jam, all went well. It was cold and the wind only added to the discomfort we were all feeling, but seeing the sweet smiles of the South African delegates welcoming made us feel warm. This experience is one memorable and special experience. I doubt that I will ever feel the same way I did there. Everyday something new, everyday new things to learn, surprises were inevitable and the people very special.

I will never forget my team. Isexyhoneys with Winni, Chris, Wendy, Kaustubh, Jocy, Hafees, Alex, Mae, Kate, myself and our officer Pieter. I will never forget the activities we shared, such as the time we had to make a stretcher. We won the stretcher race! Star gazing was also something I will deeply miss. Just seeing numerous stars and the Milky Way during a dark and cold evening was enchanting. Moreover, I made new friends to comfort me and keep me safe. The dare to tell the truth game opened my eyes to the difference in opinions influenced by each country’s culture. But we had a common goal "to change the world into a better place."

Although we varied in the means to do it, we knew that each was united in a single mission. The short reflective walks I will never forget. Walking together and making our friendship grow and at the same time learning was one of my favorite parts of the experience.

Painting a school room was another very fulfilling experience for us. We knew that we had changed school kids’ lives no matter how small. And for ourselves, we discovered that we were evolving into selfless servants for the world. Fun and games were special features of the experience. Archery, rapelling, playing the drums, taking a dip into a dam, dancing and singing. Who would ever forget the banana dance?

Another special feature of the experience was learning about other cultures. From each country to the native Pedi people of Africa, I learned a lot and also learned to respect each culture. But these differences in culture and countries were shrugged off and there were no barriers. We just accepted each other and became genuine friends.

Mapping and presentation of each country plus cooking and serving food aided in our learning.

This experience was also a venue for new and special experiences. The weddings were such a wonderful experience to be part of; to witness such sacred events gave me goosebumps but at the same time made me happy. I also enjoyed the game drives where we saw lions, rhinos, impalas, hippos, zebras and plenty other fascinating creatures. Also special was petting a cheetah and my first ever chopper ride. Just when I thought I’d done it all in camp, suddenly we are rewarded with something new and memorable.

I will cherish forever the people I shared this experience with. The people who have truly changed my life. The people I laughed with every time we awarded the bush blossom, the people I shared the night with during the sleep out. The people I played truth or dare with by the fire. They have just been so amazing. I will never forget cuddling by the fire, keeping each other warm during our cold game drives, people I slept with in the Pedi village, people I danced with and exchanged gifts with, people I debated environmental issues with.

People I cried with. People I hugged. People I will cherish as friends and deeply love. People who will forever be part of my life. This experience has changed me and has contributed to molding me into the person I am.

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