And then Heroes comes along

As if being young, talented and beautiful wasn’t enough. Connie Madson, last week’s YStyle cover model, did the graphics and layout for her own spread – and she also has a book in the works. More than being just a showcase of her and her partners’ amazing artistry, it was conceived for a charitable cause. Heroes is the first project of the foundation she is starting, Madson Art for a Cause Inc (or MAC) which is undergoing the process of incorporation. Heroes however, is a complete and completed work of art, a compendium of tales of virtue and integrity, the book itself an exercise in morality.

Together with artist/writer César Perrin, artist and former French administrative officer Pierrette Perrin, and social entrepreneur/writer Illac Diaz, they have written and illustrated a children’s book about heroes – of the fantastical and legendary kind, and of some real-world heroes, those who display heroism in everyday life and in times of great turmoil. The book was written with a strong intention to teach children basically three things: history, mythology, but most importantly, morality. Drawing inspiration from William J. Bennett of the New York Times bestseller The Book of Virtues, the "how to" book of moral literacy, Madson quotes, "‘If we want our children to posses the traits of character we most admire, we need to teach them what those traits are and why they deserve both admiration in allegiance. Children must learn to identify the forms and contents of those traits. They must achieve at least a minimal level of moral literacy that will enable them to make sense of what they see in life and, we may hope, help them live it well."" She also takes the advice of her father, Charles Madson, who likes to say, "A drop of purity in a sea of corruption can be very powerful." Maybe, she agrees, this is just what this country needs.

is a history-telling romp around the world, from the north and south of Europe to the Middle East and South East Asia, some set in ancient times and some during more recent events such as WWII. The stories are based on actual events and cultures that take place in 20th century England, France, Germany, Lebanon, Philippines, and Ireland, Scotland in the 6th century and Alexandria in the 4th century. It revives the Arthurian legends, the ancient societies of the Celts, Scots, Picts, and the Greeks and Jews of Alexandria. From what you can see of the illustrations above, the renderings are extraordinarily detailed, rich in depth and stylistically sophisticated. Children will be delighted but adult audiences will be amazed, and brought back to a long-wandered sense of wonder. If you're wondering how they created such images, it is a deceivingly simple combination of pencil sketching, paint, and minimal computer graphics.

The money raised by the proceeds from Philippine distribution will go to the Gabriel’s Symphony Foundation, started by Pia Cayetano, and the proceeds from international distribution are intended for Operation Hope, both of which fund operations for children with facial deformities. MAC is also planning future projects to raise money for other foundations with variable causes, as well as future programs, like scholarships for students.

is a labor of altruistic love as well as a personal act of thanksgiving. "Whatever good I do, I do it as a gesture of gratitude to my family," Connie explains. "Whatever pride I have, is humbled by that fact that I owe so much to the people who love me, the people I love, and this difficult but breathtakingly beautiful world…This does not just apply to me, but also to the people who have helped and will help with Heroes whether in a great or small way. For the greater part, it is a testament to the human heart and infiniteness of the human spirit, that when touched by even just one other soul, wants to give back so much."

And with the good this book can do, Connie will be adding not just a drop in the ocean but a full sparkling river. You can help her see this project come to its final and necessary fruition – publication – by sponsoring it. She is looking for sponsorships to help fund the printing and distribution of the book. You can contact her at 821-5837/38 or 0920 2951110.

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