SISTERS ACT By Mai Mai & China Cojuangco …AND MOM REACTS By Tingting Cojuangco Dear China, Mai-Mai And Tingting,

I am 16 years old and studying at a coed school. Most of my barkada and batchmates have or had boyfriends and I am one of the few who have not experienced having one. I feel awkward when I am with them because I can’t seem to connect with my friends and what they usually talk about – boys’ stuff. I am not lesbian but I’m not attracted at all to girls either. What is the problem with me? Should I start worrying?


I remember that when I was in school, we had girls who were really late bloomers. They didn’t have boyfriends while most in the class were at least going out with someone. In a way, we were a bit jealous of them because they were free to do anything they wanted to do and at their own pace while we were practically tied down to our boyfriends’ schedules. In some ways, they were happier than us, their lives seemed less complicated because they didn’t have to worry about fights with their steadies or other girls who were eyeing their boyfriends. Now is probably not the time for you to have a relationship. When the right boy comes along, then you’ll have your chance.


Girls don’t have boyfriends for different reasons. Some girls I know don’t have boyfriends until later on because they want to concentrate on school, some sport or other spheres of interest. They set their priorities and boys aren’t on top of their priority list. Other girls just haven’t met the right person that they are willing to take the risk for. Remember, having a boyfriend is usually a new thing for 16-year-olds and many girls wisely feel that making a commitment is a major step. Finally, other girls don’t have the need to find love elsewhere because they get sufficient affection at home. Nope, you don’t have a problem and I suggest you don’t hurry it up.


At your age, one of your worst enemies is peer pressure. No, I don’t think you have a problem and I hope you don’t bow down to peer pressure. It’s one thing to have a relationship when you’re good and ready – but to enter into one because of your friends is a big mistake. Take it easy. Having a boyfriend is not a race. Be patient. You have a whole lifetime to be tied down to another person. In the meantime, enjoy your single blessedness.

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